Purchasing Power Procurement Blog
Enabling Purchasing Power for Professional Buyers

Supplier Financial Viability Template

Use the financial viability Excel template to monitor suppliers facing severe financial difficulties. These are vendors identified as part of a risk assessment. Typically for a company going into or out of bankruptcy.

This is week six of ten free procurement templates in ten weeks. Check out other blog posts for free procurement templates from weeks one through five.

Week 1: sourcing strategy

Week 2: request for quotation

Week 3: supplier cost improvement

Week 4: flexible supplier scorecard

Week 5: supplier risk assessment

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Supplier Risk Assessment Procurement Template

This is week five of ten procurement templates in ten weeks. Be sure to check blog posts for free procurement templates from weeks one through four.

Week 1: sourcing strategy

Week 2: request for quotation

Week 3: supplier cost improvement

Week 4: flexible supplier scorecard

The purpose of the risk assessment template is to identify areas of high supply risk. The Excel template can be used on a category or product level. Use this Excel template to maintain or improve purchasing power.

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Flexible Supplier Scorecard Template

This is week four of ten new procurement templates in ten weeks. If you are new to this blog, be sure to check out the procurement templates from weeks one, two and three:

Week 1: sourcing strategy

Week 2: request for quotation

Week 3: supplier cost improvement

The flexible scorecard template will work with most buying categories. Buyers can customize the scorecard to address unique requirements of the buying category. For example, this Excel template could scorecard both goods and services suppliers. Use this template to develop key suppliers to drive purchasing power for your organization.

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Supplier Cost Improvement Template

This is week three of ten new procurement templates in ten weeks. If you are new to this blog, be sure to check out these templates:

Week 1: sourcing strategy

Week 2: request for quotation

If you are looking for a way to increase the pipeline of cost reduction projects - a fantastic resource is to go to your key suppliers for ideas. New and existing suppliers are typically willing to share ideas. This is a great way to increase collaboration with suppliers in a positive / sharing way.

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Request for Quotation Template - RFQ

Procurement Uses The RFQ Template for Major Bid Events

This is week two of ten procurement templates in ten weeks. To see week one - go to the sourcing strategy template blog post.

The request for quotation template is one of my favorites for a buying category bid. Use this template for a major bid event - typically for a multi-year agreement.

The bid is organized into 5 sections:

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